Women in Agriculture and Business

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (12:29): I rise to support this very good motion from the member for Frome. Women in Agriculture and Business is an absolutely outstanding organisation in South Australia and have been for 100 years now, as we know from the centenary celebrations that were held in late October in Riverton. Unfortunately, […]

Regional Ambulance Services | MOTION

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (12:10): I rise to support the member for Mount Gambier in the unamended motion. It reflects very poorly on the government to come in here and use their numbers to change the intent of motions from opposition and other members of parliament. The member for Mount Gambier has done a great […]

Energy Policy | VIDEO

“The difficulty is that after six years of being the energy minister, we have the most expensive electricity in the nation, we have the most unreliable electricity in the nation, we have people who are terrified to open their bills and we have people who worry about blackouts.”

South Australian Energy Plan | MOTION

Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (16:02): The opposition takes the energy crisis in South Australia extremely seriously, but we do not take this motion seriously. It is just a political stunt by the government. The opposition wants to deal productively with this issue, but this motion is just a stunt by the government and a […]